Thursday, November 8, 2012


Dear Students,

The idea here is to negotiate the topic of this type of post with your classmates.
Act as a kind of moderator, first by making them brainstorm a few possible topics and finally agreeing on one through some discussion and voting.

As there are several themed posts this term (see blog syllabus), the best thing to do is to negotiate all of them at once.
Try this ranking activity >> First  work in pairs or small groups to come up with their top 3 topics. Then as a class, find the 5 most popular topics for the posts.

IMPORTANT >> Each time there's a themed blog session, you will need to focus and/or organise your writing by adding some bullet points that mention things you should include. 

Talk about sports and health

What kind of sports do you like? Do you practice any sports or do you just watch them? Why? How often do you practice? Are you a sports fan (soccer fan)?

What are some benefits and problems/disadvantages related to your favorite sport or activity?

Relate your favorite sports activity to social contexts. How do people in Chile enjoy sports events? What are some consequences? Give an example in your recent past.

- Comments: Ask students to leave a comment on 3 of their classmates posts
- Word Count for post 4: 200 words

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