Wednesday, May 6, 2015

LEVEL 3 -- POST 4 (week 6) >> FIRST FREE/THEMED POST: Bad habits and dental health

Resultado de imagen para sports and poverty

How sports can improve Chilean life standards

Write about the relationship between sports and benefits for the population of the country, focusing on the problems of the poor.
  • How sports provide health benefits (physical and psychological)
  • Current problems in the population that may be improved by access to sport programs
  • Problems related to access to sports
  • Solutions and public policies
  • Benefits for the general population
  • GIVE YOUR OPINION (I think..., I believe....)
- Comment on 3 of your classmates posts
- Word Count for this post : 140 words

Bad habits and dental health

Choose one: Smoking, Drinking, Junk Food, Sugar, etc

  1. How do people's bad habits affect their dental health?
  2. What are the consequences to teeth and gum?
  3. What can be done to repair the damage?
  4. What recommendations can you give?
  5. Do you have a bad habit?What are you doing about it?

In pairs discuss a few topics related to topics you are concerned about. Topics should be interesting, and students should be able to GIVE AN OPINION and REASONS

-What makes Dentistry different from other faculties?
-Animal protection
-World pollution
In class, decide on the most interesting topics (4) Choose one for this blog session.

Divide the chosen topic into bullet points

- Comment on 3 of your classmates posts
- Word Count for this post : 140 words

